Once you've created an account, you can bring funds over in several simple ways.
You can send funds from anywhere Injective is supported directly to your Helix account address. This includes supported centralized exchanges and wallets.
If depositing from a wallet, ensure funds are being sent from Injective Mainnet to your Helix account address. If depositing from a CEX, please ensure you are sending funds from an exchange that supports Injective.
Supported CEXs include:
Funds can be deposited into your Helix account address from nearly any network via bridging solutions. Bridging solutions support 24+ networks, including most popular networks like Ethereum and Solana. Additionally, funds can be bridged in from IBC-enabled chains, expanding access to 110+ networks.
Recommended bridges for funding your Helix account address include:
If you connect with MetaMask and we detect that you have a USDT balance on Ethereum, you will be prompted to bridge USDT over from Ethereum with two clicks, making this step quick and easy.
Instead of depositing funds from another account or centralized exchange, you can click "Buy INJ with Card" and purchase INJ in just a few easy clicks using credit, debit, or Apple Pay.
*Please note that geographical restrictions and supported services may vary depending on your country of citizenship. For more details, visit help.mercuryo.io.