Scoring Formula/Methodology

Scoring a Market Maker's Epoch Performance in a Single Market

Total Score

For any given market, an MM's (Market Maker's) TSTS (Total Score) in an epoch is calculated as:

TSMarket=(LSEpoch)a(UptimeEpoch)b(Volumeepoch)cTS_{Market} = (LS_{Epoch})^a \cdot (Uptime_{Epoch})^b \cdot (Volume_{epoch})^c

where LSepochLS_{epoch} is the MM's Liquidity Score in the market in the epoch, UptimeEpochUptime_{Epoch}is the MM's Uptime score in the market in the epoch, and VolumeepochVolume_{epoch} is the MM's total volume (maker and taker) in the market in the epoch.

aa, bb, and cc are exponent parameters that weight the different components of the formula.

Liquidity Score

LSEpoch=N=140,320min(LSNBid,LSNAsk)LS_{Epoch} = \sum \limits_{N=1}^{40,320} \min(LS_{N_{Bid}}, LS_{N_{Ask}})

The ’s Liquidity Score for a market in an epoch, LSEpochLS_{Epoch}, is the sum of the minimum between the Bid and Ask Liquidity Scores (see below) across all order book snapshots in the epoch for the relevant market. This promotes dual-sided liquidity since single-sided liquidity will earn a Liquidity Score of 0 under the min()\min() function.

A snapshot of the order book is taken randomly every 10-100 blocks. This is approximately every minute on average, which means there are approximately 40,320 snapshots in an epoch (602428=40,320).(60 \cdot 24 \cdot 28 = 40,320). In practice, the upper bound of the summation will vary depending on the actual number of snapshots in the epoch. For the purposes of this guide, we will assume that there were exactly 40,320 snapshots in the epoch.

LSNBid=BidDepth1Spread1+BidDepth2Spread2+ BidDepthiMinDepth and SpreadiMaxSpreadLS_{N_{Bid}} = \frac{BidDepth_1}{Spread_1} + \frac{BidDepth_2}{Spread_2} + … \newline \forall \ BidDepth_i \geq MinDepth \text{ and } Spread_i \leq MaxSpread
LSNAsk=AskDepth1Spread1+AskDepth2Spread2+ AskDepthiMinDepth and SpreadiMaxSpreadLS_{N_{Ask}} = \frac{AskDepth_1}{Spread_1} + \frac{AskDepth_2}{Spread_2} + … \newline \forall \ AskDepth_i \geq MinDepth \text{ and } Spread_i \leq MaxSpread

LSNBidLS_{N_{Bid}} is the sum of all bid order depths divided by the spread of the order for all limit orders placed by the in snapshot NN that exceed MinDepthMinDepth in size and are within the MaxSpread.MaxSpread.

LSNAskLS_{N_{Ask}} follows the same logic as LSNBidLS_{N_{Bid}}, but on the ask side of the order book.

SpreadSpread is calculated from the (distance from mid-price divided by mid-price).

For the current values of MinDepthMinDepth and MaxSpreadMaxSpread, see the Formula Parameters page.

Uptime Score

UptimeEpoch=N=140,320{1if min(LSNBid,LSNAsk)>00otherwiseUptime_{Epoch} = \sum \limits_{N=1}^{40,320} \begin{cases}1&\text{if } \min(LS_{N_{Bid}}, LS_{N_{Ask}}) > 0\\ 0&\text{otherwise} \\\end{cases}

UptimeEpochUptime_{Epoch} is the number of order book snapshots throughout the epoch in which the had a positive Bid Liquidity Score and a positive Ask Liquidity Score in the market of interest. This means the quoted on both sides of the order book with order sizes greater than or equal to MinDepthMinDepth with spreads less than or equal to MaxSpreadMaxSpread in the snapshot.

For who qualify for OLP rewards (for the first time ever) partway through an epoch, UptimeEpochUptime_{Epoch} is scaled based on the total number of snapshots from the moment of qualification to the end of the epoch.

For example, suppose there are exactly 40,320 snapshots in an epoch and an qualifies for the first time with exactly 20,000 snapshots remaining. Also suppose the had an UptimeEpochUptime_{Epoch} of 18,0000 as defined by the scoring formula above during the remainder of the epoch. In this case, UptimeEpochUptime_{Epoch} would be scaled to 180002000040320=36288\frac{18000}{20000}*40320 = 36288.


VolumeVolume is a 's cumulative eligible maker and taker volume in the market during the epoch.

Fully Expanded Formula

The fully expanded formula is:

TSMarket=TS_{Market} =

(N=140,320min(LSNBid,LSNAsk))a(N=140,320{1if min(LSNBid,LSNAsk)>00otherwise)bVolumec\left(\sum \limits_{N=1}^{40,320} \min(LS_{N_{Bid}}, LS_{N_{Ask}})\right)^a \cdot \left(\sum \limits_{N=1}^{40,320} \begin{cases}1&\text{if } \min(LS_{N_{Bid}}, LS_{N_{Ask}}) > 0\\ 0&\text{otherwise} \\\end{cases} \right)^b \cdot Volume^c
where\text {where}
LSNBid=BidDepth1Spread1+BidDepth2Spread2+ BidDepthiMinDepth and SpreadiMaxSpreadLS_{N_{Bid}} = \frac{BidDepth_1}{Spread_1} + \frac{BidDepth_2}{Spread_2} + … \newline \forall \ BidDepth_i \geq MinDepth \text{ and } Spread_i \leq MaxSpread
LSNAsk=AskDepth1Spread1+AskDepth2Spread2+ AskDepthiMinDepth and SpreadiMaxSpreadLS_{N_{Ask}} = \frac{AskDepth_1}{Spread_1} + \frac{AskDepth_2}{Spread_2} + … \newline \forall \ AskDepth_i \geq MinDepth \text{ and } Spread_i \leq MaxSpread

For information on individual reward calculations each epoch, see the Reward Allocations page.

Last updated